woensdag 30 augustus 2006


Fourth guest-post of Sebastien, is about dreamgirl Pascale Borel, from the band Mikado:

"Mikado belongs to the world of dreams, sometimes I wonder if this band has really existed. Has Pascale ever sung or is it just another trick of my memory? Is this voice that whispers to my mind real or did it come to me from an erotic dream I used to have in my youth?

Then I rush on my old records to verify: a single called Naufrage en hiver (Wreck in winter) was released in 1986. It’s about standing on a beach in winter, smelling frozen algae, watching the waves that comes and go, falling in love, being lost in the sea. The kind of song to be listened before sleeping, eyes half closed."

Mikado - Naufrage en hiver

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Do you know the Pascale Borel's cd ? It's a trésor.

  2. Yup, posted two tracks a while ago: http://fillessourires.blogspot.com/2006/03/pascale.html

  3. Funny to fall on this sound here, it was the music of the cast of a TV program in Japan 15 years ago...

  4. Pascale just came to record a new single 'j'ai un mari" (i have a husband) with Valérie Lemercier in duet.
