vrijdag 29 augustus 2008

Brigitte Sisters

A blonde asked a brunette in a fallafel shop of la Rue des Rosiers in Paris: "Do you want to make music with me?" The brunette smiled and said "yes!" With a small guitare with butterflies on it, a glockenspiel, a melodica, a mac, two voices, four hands, two heads and one room, they did just that. The name, you ask? Because of Brigitte Bardot, Brigitte Lahaye, Brigitte Fontaine, and Brigitte the old aunt of the girl next door; Brigitte was born. (By the way, we know the darkhaired Brigitte sister from here and here).
Another video here. Myspace here.

Brigitte Sisters - Apres Minuit
Brigitte Sisters - Le Coeur du Chewing Gum

3 opmerkingen:

  1. The other Brigitte is also "known" >> she was the singer of Vendetta
    Remember "Franck kiss" ?? :)

  2. the plot thickens! i had vendetta on my blog. merci.

  3. Ahem ... I don't why I wrote "Franck" instead of "French" !!
    The song is called "French kiss", of course lol
